Covid-19 has undoubtedly impacted all of our lives and we are living in a time of uncertainty. However, Whiskers & Tails Rescue Foundation has always been and is still committed to helping its communities. We believe that it is in times like this we need to be community strong, more than ever. Therefore, Whiskers & Tails Rescue Foundation will be opening up our Pet Food Pantry to assist both DOG & CAT Pet owners who are experiencing financial hardships due to Covid-19.

The Whiskers & Tails Pet Food pantry will operate by appointment only through the hours of 10:00am and 2:00pm. The pet food pantry will be a contactless pick up (pickup location will be given when your appointment is confirmed) .

Please help us stay safe by using the following guidelines:

  • Please do not arrive before your scheduled appointment time. 
  • The driver MUST have a MASK on in case we need to speak to him or her; we need everyone to be protected. 
  • WINDOWS MUST BE ROLLED UP AT ALL TIMES, if we need to speak to you we will do so through the window.
  • Car trunks must be cleared out before arrival as we will be placing food in the trunk of your cars. 

​ Please note that food quantities are limited. 

UPDATE: AS OF APRIL 21, 2020 we no longer have any pet food available for distribution. Whiskers & Tails was able to successfully distributed over 2,000 lbs worth of dog and cat food to pet families that were in need on April 18th. 

To fill out a Pet Food Assistance Form Click Here