First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone
Work Phone* x
Cell Phone
Alt Email
Date of Birth*
How did you hear about WTRF?
Email will be the primary method of communication from Shelter, so if you do not check email regularly, please tell us how to best get in touch with you.*
Are you looking to foster to adopt?*
Why do you want to foster?*
I have fostering experience with the following type of cats
I prefer to foster a*
Age Preferred
Will you foster a previously abused animal? Choose one: Yes No
Will you foster an animal that has medical problems? Choose one: Yes No
Will you foster and overstimulated cat?*
Will you foster an animal known to have a biting problem? Choose one: Yes No
Will you agree to bathe/groom a foster? Choose one: Yes No
Are you willing to put in the time to socialize your foster kitten(s) or cat(s)?
How many hours (per day) will you be able to provide your cat or kitten with hands-on socialization?*
Other preferences for fostering:
Number of animals I can foster:
I have a preference for specific animals:
If any of the animals I specified are unavailable, I am open to substitution. Restrictions on the type of animal I can foster (For example, “Only adult cats”, etc.)
Where my foster animals will sleep at night:
Where my foster animals will stay during the day when I am home:
Where my foster animals will stay during the day when I am not home:
Have you ever fostered an animal before; if so, for what group?
When was the last time you fostered for this group?
Please list any conditions your foster or companion animals have had (ie. Ringworm, felv+, feline distemper/pan leuk, fleas, etc.). Please list the Condition / When
How long are you willing to foster the cat/kittens for (weeks, months, until time of adoption)?*
Will you need initial set up supplies or are you willing to purchase supplies before your foster cat/kittens arrive (Litter box, food/water bowls, food/litter, toys, bed)?*
Are you willing to cover the costs for food & litter for your foster cat(s)?
Are you willing to bring your foster cat/kittens to their scheduled vet appointments?*
Are you comfortable with giving your foster cat(s)/kitten(s) medication? Choose all that apply: Yes No Unsure
Do you have any type of experience with administering the following? Please check all that apply.
Are you willing to bring your foster cat/kittens to all of the necessary adoption events?*
Name, address and telephone number of my employer (or business, if self-employed):
I (own or rent) my home and am permitted to bring an animal or animals into my dwelling:* Choose one: Rent Own
Landlord’s Name, Phone, Address, City, State, Zip
Length of time at this residence:
Does your landlord charge an extra monthly pet fee?*
Does your HOA or Landlord have a pet limit? If so, what is it?*
How many children are in the house, and their ages?
Please list all people living in the house and/or who have regular contact with your animal(s) and their relationship to you (include family, friends, domestic employees, etc.):
Does anyone in the home have allergies?*
How many companion animals reside in your home currently?
Name, Age, Species (dog, cat, etc), Breed (for dogs only), Gender
Spayed/Neutered Choose one: Yes No
I have bred this animal in the past. Choose one: Yes No
I am currently breeding or have bred this animal. Choose one: Yes No
I had elective surgery performed on this animal (declaw, ear docking, tail docking, debarking, etc) : Choose one: Cat declawed Dog debarked
Other (specify)
Where I got this animal:
Percentage of time he/she spends outside
Where he/she sleeps at night
Where he/she stays during the day when I am home
Where he/she stays during the day when I am not home
Vaccinations administered and when:
Please provide the same information as above for all companion animals currently in your home, followed by (2) all companion animals you have had in your home in the last 5 years who are no longer with you aka your past pets (including any fostered animals). *
The name of the veterinarian(s) you have used for your companion animals is (if more than one, please list all veterinarians consulted in the last 5 years.
Name of specific veterinarian I use, Clinic Name, Address, Telephone
Please provide how long you've been a client of this vet and the name the records are under:
Please provide the same information for all veterinarians consulted in the last 5 years.
Will you allow your foster pets to intermingle with the resident pet(s) in the household after the initial ISO/Introduction period?*
Please tell us all about your pet's personality, so we can make sure we find the right foster(s) to fit. *
Is there anything else that you would like for us to know?*
Please list two references – people who know you and your companion animals (but are not related to you) and have been to your home recently: Name/Relationship/Phone
I hereby fully and forever release and discharge Partners for Whiskers & Tails Rescue Foundation, its agents, directors, officers and liability insurance carriers from all actions, damages, or judgments which I have now or in the future may have against Whiskers & Tails Rescue Foundation, for all personal injuries to myself, known or unknown, arising out of my activities as an adult volunteer of Whiskers & Tails Rescue Foundation. I, the undersigned, have read this Release and fully understand all of its terms andconditions, and I sign it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance. * Choose one: I agree
By submitting this application, I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if I am accepted as a foster, any false statements, omissions, or other misrepresentations made by me on this application may result in my immediate dismissal. Whiskers & Tails Rescue Foundation shall be held harmless from and against any and all claims and damages of every kind, for injury to any person or persons and for damage to or loss of property, arising out of or attributed to, directly or indirectly, the operations or performance of the above named volunteer under this agreement, including claims and damages arising in whole or part from the negligence of Whiskers & Tails Rescue Foundation. I agree to notify a W&TRF member of any injuries such as illness, escapes, injuries or any concerns pertaining to my foster as soon as possible. * Choose one: I agree
PO Box 47082 Chicago, IL 60647