First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Cell Phone*
How many total cats and kittens do you see that need help?*
How many of these cats are friendly and can be touched or picked up?*
How many of these cats are feral and are to scared to be handled?*
How many of these cats appear to possibly be pregnant?*
How many of these cats are kittens?*
How many of these cats or kittens appear to be sick or injured?*
If the cats and/or kittens appear to be sickly or injured, please describe the cat along with their symptoms or injuries in detail. *
Are you currently feeding and providing outdoor housing for these cats?
Do these cats live on your property or come onto your property?*
Please provide us with any other additional information that you feel is important for us to know.
Would you be willing to help us trap these cats?*
Would you be able to transport the cats to and from the veterinarian for their TNR services?*
Would you be able to provide a recovery space for the cats after their surgeries (ie. garage, basement)?*
The cost we pay for TNR vetting services per cat/kitten is $55.00. Would you be able to help pay for these costs?*
If you answered yes, how much would you be willing to donate?
If you answered no, would you be willing to fundraise to help cover these costs?*
Are you willing to be these cats Registered Feral Cat Colony Caretaker?*
How did you hear about WTRF?
If you chose Referral from another rescue, please list name of rescue organization
PO Box 47082 Chicago, IL 60647